Animation : La Loire sauvage à pied et en canoë - CRT Centre Val de Loire - EN

Animation : La Loire sauvage à pied et en canoë

Animation : La Loire sauvage à pied et en canoë à MEUNG-SUR-LOIRE © 2

From the magnificent GR3 between Meung-sur-Loire and Saint-Ay, the view of the Loire is particularly beautiful, and the observation of its flora and fauna is ideal. With Angélique, nature guide at Plume de nature, you'll follow the last great wild river for 4 km, discovering its preserved environment and learning to recognize the birds and plants of the Loire banks.
And for the return journey, Angélique accompanies you, this time in a canoe, to show you a new view of the Loire, as close as possible to its flora and fauna.
(This is not an introduction to canoeing).

Opening times

The 08/09/2024

Opening days :

  • sunday from 09h00 to 12h00

Prices & Payment methods

  • Full adult price : 38€



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